BPSC PT: Book list, parts of syllabus, and question distribution
(BPSC PT book list below) We all know that the 67th BPSC preliminary exam is about to take place. This exam will have one paper of general studies. This general studies paper will have 150 questions of one mark each. Therefore, the total marks of this paper will be 150. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours. Questions will be objective-type multiple choice. Aspirants have to choose the correct answer among the five options and mark it properly on the OMR sheet. The question paper will be provided in both the languages i.e. English and Hindi.
67th BPSC PT: Parts of the syllabus
If we go through the notification properly we will get to know the topics for an upcoming exam. As per the notification, in the 67th BPSC PT exam, questions will be asked from the following sections:
A. General Science
B. Current affairs of national and international importance
C. History of India and Salient features of History of Bihar
D. Indian National Movement and Role of Bihar in the Indian National Movement
E. General Geography
F. Important physical divisions of Bihar and it’s rivers
G. Polity & Economy of India
H. Major Changes in the economy of Bihar post independence
I. General Mental Ability
Download 67th BPSC PT Syllabus
If you will check the last point in the notification. It says ‘detailed syllabus for this competitive exam is available on the website www.bpsc.bih.nic.in once you click on the link, it will take you to the home page of the website. On the home page of the website, check on the left side, you will find the syllabus. Click on the syllabus. And, it will take you to the syllabus page, there click on the first syllabus. This is the detailed syllabus for the 67th BPSC exam. Or, directly click on this link to download the detailed syllabus copy from the website.
BPSC PT: Syllabus division & question distribution
After analysing last year’s question papers, GET is sharing this detailed analysis of BPSC PT question distribution. To understand the syllabus and question distribution, we need to divide it into 4 parts –
1. General Studies
2. Current Affairs
3. Bihar
4. Maths
67th BPSC PT: General studies question distribution
Under the general studies section, history and general science have maximum weightage. BPSC asks 30-35 questions from history. In history, there are three sections, ancient India, medieval India, and modern India. 20-22 questions are expected from modern India. 10-12 questions are expected from ancient and medieval India. After the history, general science is the next heavyweight section in the general studies part. BPSC is expected to ask 30 questions from general science. 10-12 questions are expected from the Indian polity. Rest 18-20 questions will be asked from geography, economy and miscellaneous.
67th BPSC PT: No. of questions from Current, Bihar & Maths
The second part is current affairs. It includes current affairs of national and international importance. BPSC is expected to ask 30 questions from current affairs. The third part is Bihar. Questions from Bihar include history, geography, economy, census, economic survey, budget, and current affairs of Bihar. Approx 20 questions are expected from Bihar. The last part is maths. 10 questions are expected from the maths part.
Need of the hour: 67th BPSC PT book list.
Subject |
Source |
Ancient India |
11th Std Old NCERT, Lucent |
Medieval India |
11th Std Old NCERT, Lucent |
Modern India |
12th Std Old NCERT, Lucent |
General Science |
Lucent’s General Science |
Polity |
M. Laxmikanth, Lucent |
Economy |
Ramesh Singh, Lucent |
Geography |
9-12th Std NCERT, Atlas, Lucent |
Current Affairs |
Any annual magazine – PD, Eduteria, Speedy |
Bihar |
Bihar Samagra(KBC-NANO), Bihar – ek parichay (Imtihan Ahmed) |
Maths |
RS Aggarwal (Aptitude) M Tyra |
Lucent for Revision Only |
Previous year question papers + Sample papers |
Lucent is only for Revision
Yes! You read it right. Lucent is a perfect revision package. But, it can’t be used for concept building. Aspirants need to read textbooks first for clear concept building. Once the concept is clear, then aspirants may revise from the same textbook or Lucent (general knowledge). But, without concept building reading from Lucent may create confusion. Tools are useful when they are used for the right purpose at the right time, otherwise even the best tool is of no use. It is up to you how you use your tools (books/sources)
Conclusion: Refer to booklist for BPSC PT & focus on question distribution
When time is less, we need to focus on the most productive topics. So, focus on those topics that are expecting more questions. Also, focus on those sections which are short yet going to fetch more marks. We have already shared the most trusted booklist for BPSC PT. Without any doubt, you can follow this list. But, if you have already prepared from some other source then please stick to your source. You don’t need to change your source. Revision is the key. Revise multiple times.