7th JPSC PT 2021 Result

7th JPSC PT 2021 Result is out, check out the result

The 7th JPSC PT 2021 result is out. Yeah! you heard it right. JPSC had conducted 7th-10th JPSC PT 2021 on 19th September 2021. It was conducted after a big gap. 6th JPSC was conducted between 2016-2018. For a long time candidates were waiting for this exam. Finally, it started with its preliminary exam in September 2021. It was conducted in two sittings. The first sitting was of general studies paper 1. It included questions of Indian history, geography, polity, economy, etc. It had 100 questions. Each question was of 2 marks. So, the total mark of this paper was 200. Its time period was 2 hrs. Similarly, the second sitting was also of 2 hrs. The second sitting was of general studies paper 2. The general studies paper 2 was Jharkhand’s special paper. It included questions related to Jharkhand history, geography, polity, etc. It consisted of 100 questions. Each question was of 2 marks. Therefore, the total mark of this paper was 200.

Check out the 7th JPSC PT result

Click here to download the result of the 7th JPSC PT. One can check out the result of this exam on the website of JPSC (http://www.jpsc.gov.in/ ) also. Best wishes to all the candidates who are going to check the JPSC result. And, congratulations to all the successful candidates. Those who have cleared the exam should check out the book list for JPSC mains here. And, prepare well. Mains exams is the main exam. A preliminary test was to clear out the crowd. Mains is the real competition between competitors. It is to test your factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, answer quality, and time management. One who is good in all of these has better chances of qualifying. So, work hard consistently in the right direction. For more updates keep visiting our website and youtube channel.

Best Wishes